Return to Normal Activity


Return to Normal Activity
According to the Spanish government orders and the announced return to work for non-essential business, DENN resumes its on-site activity for the personnel who pertain to the Production Department and, at the same time, stays totally at the service of its customers, suppliers, and partners by means of telework. In such a manner, our Technical Service, Engineering Department, Commercial Department, and Administration will attend you as always. For DENN, health of its staff is most important, thus, we will continue to use the telework tools and services that have been introduced to provide for the easy and smooth work process. For the same purpose, we will keep following the safety distance regulations and maintain work shifts for the personnel whose presence is required on-site. Take care of yourselves!

Following the order N. 10/2020 of March 29th, of the Government of Spain


Following the order N. 10/2020 of March 29th, of the Government of Spain, to reduce the mobility and regulate the stoppage of activities non essential, INDUSTRIAS PUIGJANER, S.A. stops all its activity involving presence of personnel in its facilities, and which means crew displacement. This order will last till next April 14th, unless additional confinement period is added by the authorities. Our After Sales Service, Projects, and Sales department remains at your service.



Following the orders and instructions of the Government of Catalonia's Department of Health and the Spanish Ministry of Health, Industrias Puigjaner revises its everyday working practices in order to limit the risks for their staff, as well as for their customers and suppliers.
The Administration, Project, After-Sale Service and Commercial Departments have defined new everyday home office practices, which have proven to be efficient. In such a manner, all the employees of these departments will perform their daily tasks from home. Thus, we will stay entirely at your service considering the preparation and follow-up of our offers, technical queries, and engineering support.
In the same way, the Engineering Department will perform their duties remotely thanks to the IT support that has provided them with all the means required to carry out the design works following their regular flow and with the minimum possible delay.
We hope that these changes in our working practices caused by the present situation will help our society in the matters of family reunification thanks to the new home office features we are currently applying.
All of us, every single organization, shall contribute to the improvement of the current situation and work hard in order to recover the normal rates of activity, seizing every opportunity to avoid the setbacks and refine our work patterns.
Industrias Puigjaner does its best for the sake of labor.

DENN personnel this year we have selected the Catalan “Proactiva Open Arms” NGO

Among the Christmas activities that DENN's personnel organizes every year, there is the traditional fundraising to cooperate with a national non-governmental organization in order to make a small contribution to help people in need. This year we have selected the Catalan “Proactiva Open Arms” NGO, whose main mission is to protect, by having their presence at sea, those people who try to reach Europe fleeing from war, persecution or poverty. Being part of the Mediterranean culture, we feel touched by the drama of refugees who constantly try to reach our lands risking their lives.
The total donation made by DENN's personnel amounts to € 480. We hope that our humble effort will help this NGO in achieving their laudable goal.

This year’s issue of Fabtech Exhibition, to be held in Chicago from November 11th to 14th


This year’s issue of Fabtech Exhibition, to be held in Chicago from November 11th to 14th, will see the presentation of the NTR-25 model, the last incorporation to the family of Spinning lathes, for parts with initial blank up to 250mm – 9.8”. DENN's personnel will be making live shows with small parts, to explain the metal spinning technology to all visitors.

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